Parallax and Bootstrap in CSS

Week 12 of this semester focused on utilizing CSS parallax and Bootstrap. Both are valuable features that enhance website aesthetics and streamline the design process. I’ve discovered that parallax is particularly effective for storytelling and product presentation, as it adds a visually appealing element to the website. However, it’s crucial to exercise moderation, as excessive use can lead to monotony and repetition.

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AAD86 – Weeks 11 & 12

Similarly to past weeks, Weeks 11 and 12 were fun but challenging in their own ways! Week 11 was our introduction to Sass alongside getting the solutions to the Sacramento Writer’s and Zen Music Festival pages. Week 12 was simple and straightforward, and focused on our introduction to Parallax and the beginnings of our final project.

Continue reading “AAD86 – Weeks 11 & 12”


Finals are almost here…..

As finals season approaches its important to remember a few things.

  1. Be kind to yourself. This is a stressful time for most students and we need to make sure were kind to ourselves and remember how capable we are.
  2. Give yourself a break. It is important when it becomes grind time and we are all inevitably drowning in schoolwork, to give ourselves time. Burnout is real and not giving yourself the space to decompress can be detrimental to your workflow and retention!
  3. Drink water. Because hydrate or diedrate.
  4. Dont be afraid to ask for help. At Sierra College we have many supportive professors and tutors that are only an email away! If you feel lost or stuck, please reach out and get some help!
  5. Do your best! I know you will!

Good luck friends on the last few weeks of school and I wish y’all good times and good grades this semester.